


Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant- A Detailed Explanation

Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant- A Detailed Explanation

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



Electrolysis and laser hair removal are unsafe to use while pregnant. It is recommended to postpone beginning these therapies until after your child’s birth.

There are pregnancy-safe hair removal techniques you may employ, such as shaving, waxing, or using clippers, if you’ve discovered that you’re more hairy than normal after becoming pregnant and are seeking a means to get rid of that additional body hair.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe While Pregnant?

You might find that it progressively becomes more difficult to walk about or bend over as your baby bulge grows—especially in your third trimester. Even tasks as simple as tying your shoes progressively become more difficult and may call for many heave-ho efforts.

This category even includes the difficulties of shaving your legs during pregnancy. Due to this, many women have thought of longer-term solutions while expecting, such as laser hair removal to lessen hair and its development. It is used on the bikini region, legs, underarms, and face.

In situations like these, the best course of action is often to proceed with extreme caution and consult your healthcare professional.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Affect Pregnancy?

Despite the fact that laser hair removal is widely regarded as a safe technique, doctors and dermatologists typically advise women to avoid the surgery because there are no studies to support its safety for pregnant women and their unborn children. Doctors recommend you take caution in the lack of research.

The condition known as hyperpigmentation, which causes your skin to darken, is one of the most frequent alterations that can occur during pregnancy.

Laser hair removal is most effective when there is a contrast between the colour of your skin and the colour of your hair. Treatment could be less successful if hyperpigmentation has brought the skin in your target zone closer to your hair’s colour.

Additionally, pregnancy alters the natural cycle of hair development. You could require up to six sessions for laser hair removal to be effective. These therapies should ideally be administered when the cycle is actively growing. However, because pregnancy hormones can alter the length of some phases, you might find that the treatment is performed during the incorrect phase.

The issue of skin sensitivity is another. Your body receives more blood while you’re pregnant. Additionally, it spreads out the skin on your breasts and abdomen. It could be painful to undergo laser hair removal treatments when your skin is still sensitive.

When waxing while pregnant, your stretched and delicate skin is something to keep in mind. Inflamed and itchy skin might result in electrolysis and laser hair removal. Pregnancy makes your skin more sensitive, so these side effects and pain may be more severe than normal. Another justification for delaying laser hair removal during pregnancy is this.

What To Do About Unwanted Hair While Pregnant?

Hair thickens during pregnancy, sometimes in unintended and unexpected locations. While some hair removal techniques should be avoided while pregnant, there are some safe ways to get hair-free. Simple alternatives to laser hair removal while pregnant can be found by going back to the age-old, tried-and-true methods. You can opt to remove unwanted hair through shaving, waxing, or plucking.

However, you may give this proactive strategy a shot if you’re still in the pregnancy planning stage. To make grooming and styling routines simpler while pregnant, people might think about starting laser therapy before becoming pregnant.

If you can, begin laser hair removal before becoming pregnant to get ahead of the pregnancy curve. Just keep in mind that you’ll need numerous sessions, so allow plenty of time. The time between each varies depending on the region being treated, but it usually takes four to six weeks. Give yourself a good cushion and begin a few months before you anticipate getting pregnant.

It’s advisable to hold off until you are no longer pregnant and your hormones have stabilised, regardless of whether you have had laser hair removal in the past or are a new user.

Three months after birth, when the majority of hormone levels have returned to normal, laser hair treatments can be safely resumed. Even if you no longer feel pregnant right away after giving birth, it takes your body some time to absorb this new reality and begin to reset itself gradually.

Alternatives To Laser Hair Removal During Pregnancy

In general, temporary procedures like shaving, waxing, threading, and tweezing are acceptable to use while pregnant. You might require assistance reaching some regions to remove unwanted hair as your body’s size and form change.

Make sure the facility is spotless, and the technician is qualified to provide the treatment you want if you decide to seek assistance from an aesthetician or dermatologist.

While depilatory creams have traditionally been considered safe to use while pregnant, there are no studies supporting the safety of substances like thioglycolic acid and barium sulphide powder on mothers and their unborn children.


It’s difficult to say for sure whether getting laser hair removal while pregnant is safe. Although getting smooth, hair-free skin is a common cosmetic procedure. There is no study on the topic among pregnant women. If in doubt, you should skip undergoing this procedure.

Your body can undergo several changes during pregnancy, one of which is the rapid emergence of hair where none previously existed. The majority of these adjustments will be made in the months after birth.

Depending on the size of the region you’re concerned with, it’s probably safer to shave, thread, pluck, or wax if you want to minimise the quantity of hair on your face, arms, belly, legs, or bikini area. Consult your doctor after giving birth to determine when to begin laser hair removal treatments in locations where undesirable hair hasn’t disappeared.

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