


Can You Workout After Laser Hair Removal?

Can You Workout After Laser Hair Removal?

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



Only a small portion of self-care measures include laser hair removal. Exercise is a crucial component of many of our clients’ daily routines. After all, odds are good that you also care about the health of the rest of your body if you’re spending time on getting smooth, hairless skin.

One of the best things a person can do for their health and well-being is exercise, but combining it with laser hair removal requires some careful planning. You shouldn’t perform intense activities too soon after undergoing laser hair removal, as all of our customers are aware.

If the treatment was performed on your legs, bikini line, arms, or underarms, you may need to change your clothing when you return.

For two to three days following treatment, you should stay away from wearing anything too tight. ‘Some laser hair removal platforms can leave the skin and hair follicles extremely sensitive, and any tight garments or heavy abrasive fabrics will increase that sensitivity,’ says the manufacturer. Change your tight workout attire for loose-fitting t-shirts and tracksuit bottoms.

Can You Exercise Before Laser Hair Removal?

To begin with, as long as you allow yourself enough time to heal, you can work out before receiving laser hair removal. Heavy activity elevates your body temperature and boosts blood flow to the skin.

While your body is still feeling warm from your workout, this makes your skin slightly more prone to irritation. Make the necessary preparations to keep your laser treatment from being uncomfortable!

After your workout, give yourself ample time to shower and completely cool off after your workout. It normally suffices to wait for 30 to 60 minutes. Give yourself that time if you are aware that your body needs longer to cool down.

When Can You Exercise After Laser Hair Removal?

It’s advisable to wait at least 24 hours—and preferably 48—between your treatment and any form of intense exercise. “The area may develop erythema (redness and some swelling) around the follicles right after the procedure. This resembles the huge goosebumps we frequently get when we are cold.

Nothing to be concerned about because this is the body’s normal response to the treatment. However, you should maintain it dry and sweat-free.

Exercise raises body temperature, therefore you should aim to keep the skin as cold and tranquil as you can in the 24-48 hours following laser hair removal. According to Khatra, excessive perspiration following laser hair removal can irritate the skin, increasing the risk of infection or ingrown hairs in addition to causing discomfort.

Oh, and even though somebody areas sweat more than others, the instructions for exercising following laser hair removal on the face are the same as those for underarms, the bikini line, or the legs. Even while the legs tend to perspire less than other body parts, it is still not advised to run right after getting a laser since you want to keep the region cool.

Walking is one of the best ways to stay active and protect your body. This is valid for people with weak joints following an accident and laser hair removal. By moving quickly while walking, you can prevent perspiring and being overheated while still getting some exercise.

The surroundings are the most important factor to take into account when walking after laser hair removal. Make sure not to expose any newly laser-treated areas to direct sunlight if you’re outside. This could irritate others excessively.

Other than the workout situation, the following activities should be avoided for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours after laser hair removal:

  • Do not use moisturizers or lotions.

  • These, along with all types of makeup, might irritate your skin even more.

  • No, use deodorant for at least the first 24 hours.

  • This is another excellent excuse to refrain from sweating in the two days following your laser hair removal!

  • Keep in mind that although the 24-48-hour guideline should be followed, you can always allow yourself more time to recover.

  • Before applying any new items to your skin, wait until the inflammation has subsided if your body requires more time.

Conclusion must always ensure that you shave the day before your laser treatment. We advise waiting until the day before so that the skin has time to settle back down but not so long that hair growth prevents the laser from directly accessing the hair follicle.

2.Make sure your skin is dry and clean, avoid wearing any lotions, potions, or deodorant, and all you need for your session is clean, fresh skin without any extras.

3.It’s also vital to note that laser hair removal is not an option for skin that has had tattoos. It could seriously burn the skin and harm the tattoo.


Q1. can I lift weights after laser hair removal?

Ans- You can engage in low-impact exercises like stretching or taking a walk (if it’s not too hot outside). On the other side, it is advisable to avoid any heart-pumping activities for at least two days after your treatment, including jogging, weightlifting, Zumba, Crossfit, and intense team sports.

Q2. What happens if I sweat after laser hair removal?

Additionally, body perspiration contains bacteria that can irritate delicate hair follicles and cause a rash or even a skin infection. For the best outcomes and greatest comfort, patients should refrain from exercising until transient adverse effects from laser hair removal have subsided.

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