

Everything About Coin Slot Piercing- Its Procedures, And Prices

Everything About Coin Slot Piercing- Its Procedures, And Prices

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



A coin slot piercing is considered one of the most popular yet unique piercings in the present day. The coin slot body mod has now become an executing and amazing style. The specialty of this piercing is that it let people put on more than one piece of jewelry. However, do you know that a coin slot piercing is not a piercing at all? This process is just a body modification.

Quite surprising, isn’t it? Well, you will be amazed to know that the entire procedure of a coin slot piercingor coin slot modification is actually harder than a normal piercing. Also, you need to be very careful when you choose an expert to do this. This process will take more time to heal. It is more expensive too. And, finally, a coin slot ear piercingis permanent. That means you can’t take them out whenever you wish.

In the below sections of this guide, I am going to have a detailed discussion on the process of coin slot piercing. I have included its alternatives as well. So, keep reading.

What Is Actually A Coin Slot Piercing/ Mod?

The procedure of the coin slot ear piercing includes the removal of a small part of the cartilage so that professionals can fit many rings in one single hole. The rings look stuck on top of one another. In this way, they look like coins. This is the reason why coin slot modifications are often mistakenly thought of as piercing.

You will be able to see cion slots on the helix. But, if your professional wants to place them in the flat, conch, snug, or anywhere, they can surely do that. You will be able to select the length and width of your coin slot. Also, it is you who can choose how many rings you want to wear and also estimate the gauge.

Explained: The Coin Slot Modification Procedure

There are two terms that are used in a coin slot modification process. The terms are ‘cut’ and ‘stitch’. Now, if you know what a coin slot modification is, you will be familiar with these terms as well.

So, ‘cut’ and ‘stitch’ are the two terms on which a professional perform a coin slot procedure. The professional or the expert will remove a desired tissue with a scalpel. After that, you will be given several stitches. You need to heal those stitches for at least two weeks. After two weeks of heal period, your stitches will be removed. At last, the artist will give you a permanent slot.

How Do You Heal A Coin Slot?

As I have discussed in the earlier section if you have done a coin slot piercing, you will have to wait for at least two weeks to heal the stitches. Now, in these two weeks, you need to be very careful when it comes to washing your hair. Make sure that the stitches should not wet.

Now, when your stitches are removed, you will have to wait another week to make sure that your new wounds are healed fully. Before you wear your jewelry, it is an essential thing that you have to do. The only difference between a regular piercing and a coin slot piercing is that you will have a puncture wound in the process of regular piercing. But, the process of coin slot piercing includes only the removal of the ear tissues, followed by the stitches.

Where Can You Get A Coin Slot? And What Is The Price?

Well, coin slot piercing is a process that cannot be performed by anyone. In some states, it is even a criminal offense if anybody performs a coin slot piercing without the right license. So, it is really hard to find anyone who can actually know the process.

For a coin slot mod, you will have to bear a cost between $500- $900.That is actually a lot more than a regular piercing. Also, this price does not include any jewelry.

So, what you can do is ask your piercer if he or she knows anyone who can do the coin slot modification. Also, you can search for your artist on the internet. Most artists who do coin slot modification post pictures of their clients on many social media platforms. So, you will be able to find them online.

Coin Slot Alternatives

There are many people who do not want to get this coin slot ear piercing. Fortunately, there are a few alternatives to the coin slot piercing that you can try. So, the best you can try is the high gauge process. It includes gauging up the already existing piercing. Or you can pierce with a thick gauge.

A high gauge is commonly known as a stack. The second alternative that you can try is to wear multiple pieces of jewelry after piercing your ear side by side.

Real Coin Slot Mod VS Fake Coin Slot

Be sure that you have found the right artist when it comes to a coin slot mod. The real coin slot piercing process is more expensive. They are permanent as well. And they heal much faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How is a Coin Slot piercing done?

Ans. The coin slot piercing is a permanent process. You will have to go through cuts and stitches in order to do a coin slot piercing. The professional or the expert will remove a desired tissue with a scalpel. After that, you will be given several stitches. You need to heal those stitches for at least two weeks. After two weeks of heal period, your stitches will be removed. At last, the artist will give you a permanent slot.

Final Thoughts

So, I hope, after reading this article, you will know what a coin slot mod process is. So, now it is up to you whether you want to choose it or not. If you do not like it, there are many alternatives to it and they are not permanent as well.

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