


How Long Does It Take A Septum Piercing To Heal

How Long Does It Take A Septum Piercing To Heal

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



The healing period after getting a septum piercing depends on various factors, the typical period can vary between 3-4 months in general. Even though they can take up to 6 months to completely get healed, you would start feeling fine by the end of 2 months only.

So after you get your piercing done, make sure to follow proper aftercare instructions as given by your piercing professional. Keep the pierced area clean in order to avoid any painful complications in the future. Therefore it is advisable to clean the area almost every day for 4-8 weeks.

Now, for some additional information, since the typical healing period differs according to the type of piercing done, here is a list that can give you some insight into recovery time.

Nostril piercing: 2-4 months or six months in improper conditions

Septum piercing: 3-4 months or 6-8 months if it’s a septum piercing through the cartilage

Bridge piercing: 8-12 weeks

Rhino piercing: 6-9 months as it goes through the nose’s tip vertically.

Nasal piercing: 4-6 months

A Septum Piercing’s Healing Process: Three Stages

Septum piercing sits at a delicate position between two nostrils and hence can lead to painful consequences if not taken care of. People generally experience three stages of healing after getting the piercing done. Keep reading to find out more!

First stage: Looks Stunning, But Hurts Right?

If you are to rate the pain after getting pierced, it would definitely be over 5. As mentioned earlier, it is not a painless experience and you might also face severe discomfort for the first two to three weeks. Some precautions that you should definitely consider during this period are:

  • Avoid touching your pierced area too much as it might lead to swelling.
  • Give the highest level of care and dedication to the piercing to prevent infections.
  • Keep anti-inflammatory medications close, in case of any swelling.
  • Make sure to keep your nose clean during the initial phase.
  • You can also use a piercing aftercare spray. The spray contains a saline solution that cleans your nose ring’s surface and even destroys bacteria growing there. Consult your piercing professional before using it.

Initial Healing Period: Finally Getting A Bit of Relief?

Make sure you haven’t had any infections during your first phase in order to ensure that you have started the journey of healing on the right foot. Even if you had experienced swelling during the first phase, in this second phase, you are most likely to see a reduction of swelling and the pain disappearing.

You can finally touch your nose ring now without the fear of causing any bleeding. However, the piercing is yet to heal. So do not stop cleaning procedures and make sure to use saline solutions.

You might not have to clean them as frequently as you did before, but stopping the cleaning process won’t be beneficial as well.

Finally Rocking it!

Now you are more confident about your piercing and your self-esteem is brimming with the new identity you have gained. In this stage, you can finally experience what a healed gorgeous septum piercing looks like! You no more have to worry about bleeding, swelling, and infections. However, since the scar has just dried, do not do anything to irritate the area. Continue using your saline solutions from time to time.

Also, keep in mind that if you wish to change your jewelry, always go for high-quality jewellery as they are less prone to infections.

You Should Consider the Potential Risks of Septum Piercings

How Long Does It Take A Septum Piercing To Heal

When getting a piercing, make sure to choose a professional and reputable piercer. This will reduce the chances of any potential risks and will let you enjoy your piercing without running any risks of infections. Now before your piercing, keep these potential risks in your mind:

  • Infections: No matter how small the area is, skin breaks allow bacteria to enter your body owing to infections. If you notice any redness, swelling, pus or discharge then consult your piercing professional immediately and take proper medicine. Keep the area cleaned from time to time in order to prevent any such infections.
  • Allergic reactions: Many people are allergic to materials that are used to create piercings. After the piercing, if you notice any red rash with water blisters, consult you’re professional immediately. The skin reaction generally appears within 12-48 hours after contact with the jewelry.
  • Septal Hematoma: A septal hematoma occurs when blood collects in the septum and disrupts the blood vessel and damages the tissue lining and cartilage. This condition can lead to pain, pressure, swelling and congestion.
  • Bloodborne diseases: Piercing also increases the chances of developing bloodborne diseases. Make sure to get your piercing done by reputable piercing professionals who conduct piercing through sterilized piercing needles.
  • Scarring: Although scars caused by piercing are not visible at most times, sometimes formations or excessive scar tissues may appear. They can be uncomfortable but they do not cause much pain.

When Does a Septum Piercing Heal? Can Something Affect It?

Wonderinghow long does it take for your septum to heal? The time generally varies between 2-4 months depending upon the care you have dedicated towards it during the initial 4-8 weeks. Do you want to what measures can influence your healing process? Keep reading to find out.

  • Water: The piercing contains bacteria and hence submerging the piercing in water will increase the chances of infections and delay the healing process.
  • Nose scratching: After getting the piercing, make sure to leave the sensitive area alone. Pulling the crust or tearing the outside skin areas can lead to bleeding and infections.
  • Touching the jewel: Since the piercing has not healed yet, touching the piercing continuously will increase the chances of swelling and bleeding.
  • Inappropriate jewellery and methods: A piercing should not be done with too small jewellery as it can sink into the skin and cause irritation and delay the healing process.
  • Improper aftercare, poor health, and low-quality jewellery can delay the healing process. So keep a check on that.

We have stressed a lot about cleaning the piercing properly and regularly. However, be mindful of over-cleaning as it can dry out your skin and cause irritation. Make sure your hand is clean as well before starting your daily cleaning procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you flip a septum piercing up while it’s healing?

Ans. You should not try to flip the septum piercing while it’s healing as it will disrupt the healing process and cause a delay in recovery.

Q2. How do I know my septum is healed?

Ans. Your septum piercing will heal within 8 months. Once there is no more swelling, discharge, pain, and tenderness, you can expect your piercing to have healed.

Q3. Can a septum heal in 2 weeks?

Ans.A septum cannot heal within 2 weeks. It takes a minimum of 8 weeks for a piercing to get healed.

Q4. Do septum piercings get infected easily?

Ans. Septem piercing has a higher risk of getting infected if not opted for proper after-care and high-quality jewellery for piercings.

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