


How To Get Slime Out Of Hair Fastest And Easily[July 2023]

How To Get Slime Out Of Hair Fastest And Easily[July 2023]

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



Slimes can be funny. But not always. Especially when you find slimes in your hair. As a hair expert, every day I hear millions of complaints about slime from people.

Don’t worry! Using some simple household items, you can remove slime from your hair faster than ever. These household items are-

Trust me! These DIY slime recipes are awesome. On the other hand, both adults and kids will be able to use these recipes to get slime out of their hair.

How Can You Get Slime Out Of Your Hair With The Help Of A Comb?

Using a comb to remove slimes from your hair is quite a messy process. It will feel backward though. But, if you use the comb from the bottom of your hair, you can remove the slimes from your hair faster.

When you hold the strand of your hair in your hand, you will be able to protect your scalp from getting pulled.


  1. Hold half of your hair making a strand. After that, hold the comb a few inches above the strand’s end.
  2. Comb your hair down. Thus, you can untangle the hair.
  3. When you unravel the knot, try to hold the comb higher. Repeat this combing process once to three times.

Using Shampoo And Conditioner To Get Slime Out Of Your Hair

Using shampoo and conditioner is one of the simplest and easiest methods to get slime out of your hair. The slippery ingredients that remain in the shampoo and conditioner will help break down the bond between the slime and your hair.


  1. Wash the hair gently with lukewarm water.
  2. Apply gentle shampoo and conditioner to your hair. Message your scalp gently using a comb.
  3. Now, coat the conditioner with slime. Pull apart the clump using your fingers. Let the shampoo and conditioner do their job.
  4. At last, rinse the conditioner. When you see all the slime getting out of your hair, apply shampoo again to wash the hair thoroughly.

Is Using Cooking Oil Better To Get Slime Out Of Your Hair?

Are you thinking of removing slime from your hair with the help of cooking oil? If so, use any vegetable-based oil, coconut oil, canola oil, olive oil, or avocado oil.


  1. Apply one or two tablespoons of cooking oil directly to your hair (especially to the clump of slime).
  2. Message the scalp downwards. When you see the slime loosen, comb the hair to break the clump apart. Now, separate the strands.
  3. Wash the comb you are using as you comb the strands to break the clump.
  4. Once all slime is out, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.

How Can You Get Slime Out Of The Hair With The Help Of Mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise hair masks are quite popular for getting slime out of the hair. Mayonnaise also nourishes your hair and adds moisture to it.


  1. First, make a mayonnaise hair mask using water and mayonnaise.
  2. Now, apply the hair mask to the clumps of slime.
  3. Message it using your finger. After that, comb the hair to tease the clump apart. Clean the comb well.
  4. Once all slime is out, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.

How Can You Remove Slime With The Help Of Peanut Butter?

If mayonnaise is not your thing, peanut butter will work for you to get slime out of your hair. Here is how you will be able to get slime out of your hair using smooth peanut butter.


  1. First, take a chunk of peanut butter. Actually, you should measure the peanut butter according to the size of the slime in your hair.
  2. After that, message the peanut butter onto the slime using your fingertips.
  3. While messaging, tease apart the clumps of slime. Thus, the peanut butter will go in and work better.
  4. Here, you should use a comb so that you can untangle the knots of your hair.
  5. Once all slime is out, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  6. Repeat using the peanut butter to remove slime from the hair once or twice a week.

How Will You Be Able To Remove Slime With The Help Of Vinegar?

Using vinegar to get slime out of your hair is not actually a good idea. Vinegar removes the natural oil from your hair because vinegar contains a mild acid. Therefore, the acid will remove the slime from the hair. But, it will dry your hair as well.

But still, if you are willing to use vinegar to get slime out of your hair, make sure that you nourish your hair after using vinegar. Now, here is the process of using vinegar on your hair.


  1. Do not use vinegar directly on your hair. First, you should mix vinegar with water. The ratio should be 2:0.5. That means you should mix a half cup of vinegar with 2 cups of water. Water will prevent the vinegar from being too strong. So, it will not be too harmful to your hair.
  2. While you are using this method, you should protect your eyes from the mixture. Vinegar can be too harmful for human eyes.
  3. You may pour the vinegar onto the hair directly on the slime. Or, you may dip your hair into the mixture.
  4. Now, message the lump so that you can pull the slime apart from your hair. Do not repeat using vinegar twice or three times a week.
  5. Once all slime is out, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  6. Just make sure that you wash your hair toward the back.

How Will You Be Able To Use Coke To Get Slime Out Of Your Hair?

Just like vinegar, I will not recommend anyone using Coke to get slime out of the hair. Because it is an acid-based thing, it will dry your hair as well by removing the natural oil from your hair. Coke is made of phosphoric acid. You may choose to use Coke to wash your car because of its acidic ingredients.

But still, if you are willing to use Coke to get slime out of your hair, make sure that you nourish your hair after using Coke. Now, here is the process of using Coke on your hair.


  1. Apply an ample amount of Coke onto the slime. Message the area.
  2. Tease apart the clumps of slime with the help of your fingers. You should use a comb to differentiate the strands.
  3. Once all slime is out, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do you get slime out of your hair fast?

Ans. Using some simple household items, you can remove slime from your hair faster than ever. These household items are-

  • Vinegar
  • Conditioner
  • Shampoo
  • Peanut butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • Coke

Q2. How do you get slime out of your hair without washing it?

Ans.If you use mayonnaise to remove slime from your hair, you can do it without washing your hair.

  • Apply 1 to 2 spoons of mayonnaise to your hair.
  • Message your hair gently using your fingers. Make sure you are messaging the roots of the hair.
  • Take a fine-tooth comb. Get slime out of your hair slowly.
  • Wash the comb well.

Q3. Does hand sanitizer get slime out of hair?

Ans.Yes! Using hand sanitizer, you will be able to get slime out of your hair. But, ensure that you are only using a gel-based hand sanitizer. Also, you may choose to use a liquid dish soap.

  • Apply the gel-based sanitizer to your hair.
  • Rub the hair gently and slowly.
  • Wash your hair.

Q4. What dissolves slime?

Ans. If you use vinegar and baking soda, it can dissolve slime from your hair.

  • Spray baking soda on the affected area in your hair.
  • Mix vinegar and water.
  • Spray this mixture on your hair.
  • Sit back for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rub the hair using a brush.
  • Wash your hair.

Final Thoughts

I hope these household items will help you to get slime out of your hair. At least, these items are far better than cutting your hair. All the best!

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