


Laser Hair Removal Preparation: A Complete Guide

Laser Hair Removal Preparation: A Complete Guide

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



The procedure of laser hair removal can permanently remove excess hair from your body. However, you need to know how to prepare forlaser hair removal.This is because the laser hair removal procedure is unlike other skin treatments. Your body requires multiple necessary preparations before experiencing laser hair removal treatments. In this process, the hair follicles are killed using a targeted laser ray. But, it won’t damage your skin.

Before you go through a laser hair removal procedure, you need to limit using products related to skin, stay out of the sun as best as you can, shave your skin before the treatment, and more. Below, I will give you a complete guide about the dos and don’ts before a laser hair removal procedure.

So, keep reading.

Things to Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments Begin

Now, there are multiple things that everyone should know before a laser hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal treatment uses a targeted beam of laser. This laser ray is absorbed by the melanin or pigment that exists in the hair. During this procedure, the laser beams kill the hair follicle. That is how it prevents hair growth in the future.

A laser hair removal treatment should always be performed under the vigilance of an expert. You should do this treatment on dark and hairy areas of your body.

So, these are some of the common areas where you should do laser hair removal treatment.

  • Legs
  • Chin
  • Upper lips
  • Back
  • Bikini
  • Underarms

However, white, red, or blonde hairs can’t be removed properly with a laser hair treatment.

How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal.

  • Do Not Go In The Sun

If your skin is tanned or sunburned, you will not be able to do a laser hair treatment. It will damage your skin if you do this treatment on tanned or sunburned skin. So, you need to make sure that you stay out of the sun for at least two weeks before the laser hair removal treatment.

Also, your skin will become sensitive after the laser hair removal treatment. So, you need to apply SPF after the procedure.

  • Shave The Area

Before you go through a laser hair removal treatment, you need to shave the skin. You need to do this within 24 hours of the treatment. Also, you need to make sure that no hair exists in that particular area.

The bikini area of your skin is very sensitive. So, do not use razors to shave this area. Otherwise, you might feel itching after the procedure.

  • Do Not Wax Or Tweeze

You should not use wax or a tweeze to shave your hair. This is very important before you book an appointment for a laser hair removal treatment. If you use a tweeze or wax, it can damage the hair follicles. So, you do not get any results after the laser treatment.

  • Limit Using Skin Related Products

Some skin-related products may increase the photosensitivity of your skin. As a result, you may end up burning your skin. So, you need to limit using some skin-related products that include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinol, and something like them. You should avoid using these products at least 2 to 4 days before the treatment. Also, wait for 2 to 5 days after the treatment. After that, you can use them again.

  • Do Not Use Makeup Or Cream

Some make products and beauty creams such as lotions, foundations, ointments, deodorants are extremely harmful to use before a laser hair removal treatment. So, you do not need to use them before the treatment.

You can just use mild soap and water to clean the particular area of the skin that will be used for the treatment. If you have used any makeup remover, you should clean the area with water.

Prepare For Laser Hair Removal With These Steps

All the points that I have said above are very essential before you go to a laser hair removal treatment center. However, everyone wants the best procedure to prepare for a laser hair removal treatment. That is why I have mentioned some additional points so that you can prepare well for this kind of treatment.

  1. Make sure that you do not bleach the hair that you are going to remove using laser hair removal treatment.
  2. Do not forget to exfoliate the bikini area at least 3 to 5 days before the treatment.
  3. You should remove all the excess hair from the perianal and labia are.
  4. Do not intake caffeine as this can increase the sensitivity of the skin.
  5. Always wear loose cotton clothes during the laser treatment procedure.
  6. If you feel mild pain after the treatment, you can take painkillers.
  7. Always check your medication. Some medicine can intervene in this kind of treatment. So talk to the professional and your doctor before experiencing the treatment.
  8. Always book your appointment the week before or the week after your period.
  9. Most importantly, you need to relax completely during the entire procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What preparation is needed for laser hair removal?

Here are the important things that you need to do before a laser hair removal treatment.

  1. Avoid sunburn or tanning.
  2. Do not use wax or a tweeze to shave the skin.
  3. Do not use bleach on your skin.
  4. Wear loose cotton clothes during the treatment.
  5. Avoid using makeup or creams.
  6. Check the medicine you are taking.
  7. Avoid caffeine intake.
  • Can I shave right before laser hair removal?

You should shave your skin at least 24 hours before the laser hair removal treatment. Do not use a tweeze or wax during shaving.

  • What happens if you don’t shave before laser hair removal?

If you do not shave before the laser hair removal treatment, the hair on your skin exists during the procedure. This may end up burning the hair.

  • How many hours should you shave before laser hair removal?

You should shave your hair at least 24 hours before the laser hair removal treatment. Do not shave right before the laser treatment.

Final Thoughts

The laser hair removal treatment is an excellent procedure to prevent hair growth permanently in your body. But, the process is way more complicated than you think.

The laser can be harmful to our skin if we do not take the right measurements. So, you need to go through some steps before the treatment. If you have prepared well, you can book your appointment any time.

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