

How To Take Out Nose Stud With A Flat Back

How To Take Out Nose Stud With A Flat Back

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



Nose studs are considered some of the most popular nose jewelry nowadays. Now, you may be already wearing one. So, in that case, you might want to know how to take out a nose stud with a flat back. You see, nose studs can be of multiple sizes, shapes, colors, and materials such as metal, diamond, gold, etc. So, before taking out your nose stud, you need to keep in all these things.

3 Steps To Take Out Nose Stud With A Flat Back

Step 1. Be careful when you are trying to take out your nose stud with a flat back. Put on rubber gloves and take out the stud first. Rubber gloves will help you to have a firm grip on the stud.

Step 2.Keep in mind that nose studs are made of two pieces. One is the flat head inside your nose. And the other is a stone or bead that can be seen on the outer side of your nose. First, take out the stone or the bead. Now, you need to firmly hold the flathead with one hand and push the stud inside. After that, you must push it on the outer side and hold another part with the other hand. You can turn the stud anticlockwise to hold the grip on it.

Step 3. Hold the two sides firmly. Pull both of them in the opposite direction. This way, you can take out the nose stud with a flat back.

In the below sections of this article, I have discussed more different kinds of nose studs and things related to them. So, keep reading.

Will I Be Able To Change My Nose Ring After 2 Weeks?

If you have pierced your nose for the first time, it will take a long time to heal. So, most piercers will strongly recommend you not remove your nose ring at least for two months. This is the thumb rule for any piercing jewelry.

Sometimes, you might feel that the piercing has been healed. However, if you try to remove your ring, you may end up hurting yourself. Trust me! If that happens, you will go through pain at least for one or two weeks.

So, do not remove your nose ring at least for two or two and a half months.

Furthermore, What Is Better, A Nose Screw Or A Bone?

Again, if you have pierced your nose for the first time, it is strongly recommended to wear only a healed piercing or a nasal bone. A nose screw can be harmful to a fresh piercing. Also, a nasal bone or a healed piercing is more convenient and easy to wear than a nose screw.

How Quickly Is It Possible To Get A New Nose Ring?

Once you pierce your nose and wear a piece of nose jewelry, you should sit back for at least 4 to 5 months. On the other hand, if you have a spectrum piercing, you must wait for at least 8 weeks before replacing the ring yourself.

However, if you need to change it before time, it is always better to ask your piercer and get his or her advice to avoid pain.

Will A Nose Bone Stud Fall Out?

Nose bone studs are pieces of jewelry that have a straight bar along with the enhancement on one side. Yes, a nose bone stud can fall out if you are not careful with it. But, they are also simple and you can easily remove them.

Types Of Nose Studs

Here are some of the nose studs that you can choose to wear after the piercing.

1. Corkscrew Nose Studs

It is one of the simplest and most common types of nose studs. But, in case you have long and sharp nails, you may have difficulty getting them in. some people feel that Corkscrews are falling out of their noses after wearing them. That is why they do not like this jewelry.

2. Labret Nose Studs

Labret is made of a pin along with a flat back. It also has screws on it. When if you are about to put this on, you need to push this inside your nose. After that, you need to screw it on top. Most people love to wear labrets when it comes to lip rings and cartilage.

3. L-Shaped Nose Studs

L-shaped nose studs are pretty good, especially when you have to take out your nose jewelry frequently. But, they can fall out if you are not careful with L-shaped nose studs.

4. Bend-To-Fit Nose Studs

Those who have thicker nostrils can wear bend-to-fit nose studs. Bend-to-fit nose studs look like regular nose rings. However, they are longer in size. The best part is that you can bend it to make it an L-shaped stud if you want to.

5. Hoops Nose Studs

Hoops are used by those people who want to look more stylish. But, be aware! Once you wear it, you can’t easily take it out. Also, you need to get used to wearing hoops.

6. Bone Nose Studs

Bones are straight pins with a ball at their end. Like hoops, you will take them easily. So, wear them only when you do not have to take them out frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do you get a stubborn nose stud out?

Ans. If you want to get a stubborn nose stud out, you should slightly bend the stud so that it breaks and comes apart. If you want to remove a segment ring, you will have to pull a separate piece to remove the ring from your nose. After that, you need to snap it back so that you can close the ring. If you fail, you must visit your piercer to remove it and avoid the pain.

Q2. Why can’t I take my nose stud out?

Ans. If you are not able to take your nose stud out, do not take risks. Visit your piercer and get it out. Otherwise, you can end up hurting your nose. The pain will remain for at least 1 to 2 weeks.

Q3. How do you put a push pin on a flat-back nose stud?

Ans. Put on rubber gloves and take out the stud first. Rubber gloves will help you to have a firm grip on the stud. First, take out the stone or the bead. Now, you need to firmly hold the flathead with one hand and push the stud inside. After that, you must push it on the outer side and hold another part with the other hand.

Final Thoughts

Always wear latex or rubber gloves when you are about to take out your nose stud. The easiest and safest way to wear nose jewelry is an L-shaped nose stud or a labret. In case you fail to take it out yourself, you should visit your piercer. All the best!

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