


Peeling Back the Layers: Understanding Nipple Piercing Crust

Peeling Back the Layers: Understanding Nipple Piercing Crust

Lady Manson Staff
Updated: Aug 7, 2024



The nipple piercing crust is an absolutely normal condition that occurs only because your body is trying to heal the area after a piercing has been made. Nipple piercings particularly tend to crust for a very long time, which can be a little annoying, and we do understand your concern. Worry not! We are here to get you all the information that you might need on the condition and to take you on a journey of smooth healing.

Piercings are in vogue these days, and they’re everywhere, quite literally. With every piercing comes a little pain and some sort of discomfort. This can be different for piercings at different locations on the body. With nipple piercings, things can get a little sticky and waxy because of the crusting.

How Do You Stop Your Nipple Piercing From Crusting?

Nipple piercings are known to crust forever in most cases, and they can only be stopped or reduced if they get properly healed. So far, the only way to get the crusting to reduce to minimal levels is to let the piercing heal completely. If you attempt to stop the crusting by any physical means, you might as well make it worse and drive yourself into danger.

Give the piercing some time and let it heal on its own. Don’t keep teasing it time and again in the hope that it will stop crusting if you stimulate it. It doesn’t! It needs to heal entirely before you can put some soothing cream or oil like coconut or jojoba on it.

Should I Pick The Crust Off My Nipple Piercing?

No! You should never pick a crust off a piercing. While you might be tempted to do so and feel that it might make it better, you are completely wrong here. Picking on the crust will put you at risk of infection and other skin issues.

Just like you can’t keep your hands off a scab when you’ve skinned off some region, we do understand getting your attention away from picking a crustie might also be difficult for you. But we want you to know that both are similar in the fact they are processes of healing. Your body is trying to protect and heal the wound in both cases and if you keep getting rid of it, it will cause the formation of excessive scar tissue leading to an infection that can be worse.

The best way to get rid of the crust is not by picking it. You gently need to wash it off under running water[. This way, the crust that is ready to come off will get off of you smoothly and the one that doesn’t, consider that it wasn’t time yet.

Is it Normal For Your Nipple Crust to Be Bloody?

Yes, it is normal to see some bleeding every now and then on your nipple piercing. Well, if you’re getting something inserted into your body, be it anywhere, it is likely to bleed. Nipple piercings do tend to bleed for some time and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Sometimes, the blood gets mixed up with the crust which makes it look like a thick bloody crust. This again is normal and should stop once the piercing has healed to a good length.

A couple of months are required for your nipples to heal completely. Until then, do not try to coerce anything even if they’re bleeding or crusting. If anything unusual like swelling or redness appears, do visit your piercer and get it checked. It is advised not to take matters into your own hands in such cases.

Is It Normal For Your Nipple Piercing To Be Crusty and Itchy?

Yes, the crust can bring some discomfort and itchiness to it. You shall be prepared for the crusting and itching in your nipple piercing. But, should you try to mitigate it by scratching it or removing the curst? No!

Crusting and itching go hand in hand for nipple piercings and they both can last forever in minimal amounts, though. But, this doesn’t give you the pass to just scratch it off or pick the crust. The only thing that is advisable to get rid of the itchiness is to moisturize the area. The itchiness is most likely to occur as a result of dryness. So, keeping those little ones moisturized is a good option to get rid of the discomfort.

How I healed my nipple piercing

The healing process begins right when you get off the studio and get those rings on. Though the healing stages can be different for everyone, here’s a little glance into how the average healing of nipple piercings takes place.

So the very first week or two can be full of soreness and a little pain here and there. Every time you clean them up, it is extremely important to make sure that your hands and your cloth or tissues are squeaky clean and have some antibacterial on them.

Besides keeping them clean and sanitized, you need to make sure that the barbells or rings or any other jewelry that the piercer has out in there doesn’t fall off. If it has come up somehow, you need to rush to get a new one plugged in because nipple piercings can get closed in a snap and you wouldn’t even know it.

You can use a skin antibacterial solution to clean the piercings twice a day. You should also be moving the jewelry back and forth once in a while so that it doesn’t get stuck and cause infection. Washing and cleaning the piercings is of prime importance to stay clear of any sort of infection. Still, if you see any absurd growth, swelling, or redness, you need to contact your piercer next thing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do Nipple Piercings Ever Stop Pussing?

Yes, once the nipples are fully healed, they will stop oozing out that puss and you will be good to go.

  1. Is it normal to have a crust on nipple piercing?

Yes, the crust is actually a part of the healing process wherein your body is trying to heal and protect you from any sort of infection. Crusting, in fact continues to persist forever for nipple piercings, even though in small amounts.

  1. Should I pick the crust off my nipple piercing?

No, you should never pick the crust off your piercing. It can lead to serious issues like infection, swelling, redness, and more.

  1. What does an infected nipple piercing look like?

An infected nipple piercing tends to release green, yellow, or brown discharge which can also give off some odor sometimes.

  1. What does nipple piercing discharge look like?

The normal nipple piercing discharge appears off-whitish in color which is called the crust.

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